Pro Files: Bruce Balmer

December 8th, 2015|

If you've ever been involved in the technical aspects of legal videography, you've likely learned a trick or two from Bruce Balmer. He is a regular and frequent contributor on the Yahoo Legal Videography group, offering equipment and software recommendations, and tips on how to correctly record a deposition. Even if you're not concerned with how it gets done, Bruce is a very interesting guy. Bruce Balmer, CIRM, CLVS, CCVS

Pro Files: Robb Helt

December 1st, 2015|

This is the first interview of a new series in which we will take a look at what makes some of the people in our professions tick. If you've been in the trial technology trenches for a few years, you've probably heard of Robb Helt. He started the original Trial Technology group on Yahoo, recently launched a popular podcast series, and has a very impressive resume'. Feel free to follow up with your questions and comments.Robb Helt1.       Where do you currently work, and what is your primary role?Suann Ingle Associates LLC. - Director of Trial Technology and

iPad in Trial

October 14th, 2015|

Jeff Richardson (iPhone JD) recently shared an interesting story of attorney Carolyn Elefant’s use of an iPad and the TrialPad app in trial. He includes a list of several others as well. Jeff and Carolyn share another great story of the iPad in use for things once reserved for computers, one thing we don't read about much is where the iPad falls short in power and function. While the iPad can do many things, it is still not a computer, and there comes a point where its limitations are (or should be) realized - often with specific tasks that would

New Trial Presentation Options

August 30th, 2015|

What’s up with all of the new trial presentation applications being released recently? Will the likes of TrialTouch, OnCue, Limine and Maestro take a bite out of the professional trial presentation market? Are they geared more toward their own (proprietary) in-house use, or toward attorneys wanting to do it on their own? A few of these have already been featured on the popular Trial Technology and Lit Support Podcast ( OnCue ( appears on the surface to be oriented toward the professional market, but with the fallback of using it in-house as a proprietary application. According to their site, OnCue