IMS Consulting & Expert Services Acquires Nationally Recognized Jury Consulting Firm Litigation Insights

August 25th, 2021|

IMS Strengthens Jury Consulting and Visual Communication Offerings to Corporate Clients, AM LAW, Boutique Firms IMS, the award-winning consultative trial and expert services firm, announced today that it has acquired nationally recognized jury consulting and visual communication firm Litigation Insights. Clients will benefit from the firms’ combined scale and increased depth and leadership in jury consulting, trial graphics, and presentation strategy.   IMS is the only fully integrated trial services team that delivers the essential tools trial lawyers need for an optimal outcome. Together with Litigation Insights, the firm offers clients expanded access to top talent and best-in-industry support through every phase of litigation, including trial persuasion strategy, expert witness selection and preparation, jury consulting, trial graphics, and trial presentation for remote

Adapting Advocacy for the Post-Pandemic World

July 29th, 2021|

Legal advocacy has changed. The pandemic has seen courts and parties adopting technology to depose witnesses, hold hearings and mediations, and conduct trials in all-virtual or “hybrid” environments (such as jury selection by Zoom and trial in person). As a result, the ways attorneys tell case stories have had to adapt to the unique situational factors of a courtroom that exists entirely online, or one that has been drastically modified to fit social-distancing guidelines. If you are an attorney on one of the hundreds of cases pending as courts open in your jurisdiction, you may be breathing a sigh of

How Do I Avoid Offending Jurors in the Shifting Gender Landscape?

July 15th, 2021|

It’s a different world than when most of us graduated from law school or entered the legal profession. In 2016, TIME reported on a study by UCLA’s Williams Institute, which estimated .6% of the country’s population identified as transgender – a number that translated to 1.4 million Americans at the time, and a figure that was double estimates from five years prior. In the five years since that study, the numbers have likely increased, as gender fluidity has become more widely recognized in private and public sectors. Indeed, you may have seen “all gender” restrooms at airports across the country,

How Do I Become a Successful Expert Witness?

June 22nd, 2021|

When you’re an expert witness, standing out among the competition and finding long-term success is no easy task. As a consulting firm constantly working with attorneys and their witnesses, we at Litigation Insights have heard, and seen, the horror stories: Witnesses can be tough to work with, exhibit behaviors and body language that damage their credibility, and/or struggle to present their ideas to a layman audience in an understandable, persuasive way. These problems only compound with experts, who tend to provide crucial testimony on particularly dense material. Indeed, too often, attorneys tell us an expert will pass the interview with

What Causes “Nuclear Verdicts”? – Part 2

June 1st, 2021|

In Part 1, we discussed the major narrative-framing strategies plaintiffs employ to coax jurors into awarding massive damages. However, a number of additional psychological and case-specific factors are at play, and these are just as important to keep in mind as you weigh the risks of encountering a nuclear verdict – and your potential counterstrategies. Psychological Factors That Influence Nuclear Verdicts Anchoring The amount jurors award in damages, after finding for a plaintiff, is almost always influenced by the amount of the demand. In psychological terms, we call that “anchoring.” Anchoring and adjustment are psychological heuristics, or shortcuts, that influence how

What Causes “Nuclear Verdicts”? – Part 1

May 18th, 2021|

There has been a recent increase in the number of nuclear verdicts handed down by jurors, including the largest award from 2019: an eye-popping $8 billion. For defendants, this trend has generated even more uncertainty and anxiety about taking a case to trial. Technically speaking, a ‘nuclear verdict’ is defined as a verdict in favor of the plaintiff with a damages award that surpasses $10 million; but, the term is most accurately used to describe an outcome significantly larger than what anyone expected. So what’s causing this unsettling uptick in nuclear verdicts? And who is most vulnerable to such outcomes?

Virtual Depositions Are Here to Stay

April 27th, 2021|

I recently participated in a roundtable on the topic of virtual depositions for the Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association’s Class Action, Mass Tort, and Multi-District Litigation Practice Group. The panelists, which also included magistrate judges and practicing attorneys, discussed our experiences with this remote format. As it turned out, many of the experiences were positive: For instance, not having to fly around the country for just a few hours of deposition; the reduced wear and tear on attorneys and their clients, not to mention the cost savings; parties’ increasing comfort with virtual depositions now that so many

5 Lesser-Known PowerPoint Features to Use in Your Trial Presentations

April 14th, 2021|

PowerPoint is a software with a deep end and a shallow end. It can be very powerful, but Microsoft has built it to allow novice users to create decently polished presentations without a huge learning curve. And because it was developed to appeal to a wide range of user abilities and familiarities, some of the tools most useful for frequent tasks applying to our litigation context are buried behind menus and settings, making them tough to find and tedious to get to for repeated use. So, to make your life easier as you build your next presentation, this blog will

Your Millennial Attorney CAN Be Your Hot-Seat Operator—But Should They?

March 30th, 2021|

Contrary to what feels like a running trend of Millennial-bashing, we’d like to go on record as saying that Millennials can frequently be extremely valuable, hard-working additions to your trial team. We’re sure many of our clients would agree, as we’ve gotten to work alongside quite a few truly impressive young trial attorneys. Their valuable Millennial skillset often includes an inherent grasp of technology and visual presentation – given that they’ve been using it nearly their entire lives. As a result, it’s reasonable to look at your young-gun attorneys and think, “Hey, they know how all this works! They can

How Does a Zoom Trial Work?

March 18th, 2021|

When considering your team’s technological capabilities and needs as your virtual (or semi-virtual) trial approaches, it’s critical to understand how that trial is going to vary from what you’re used to. A Zoom trial can be unfamiliar and overwhelming, even for those who consider themselves tech-savvy. Litigation Insights’ presentation technology consultants have assisted clients with numerous trials during the COVID-19 period and have a firm grasp on how Zoom trials tend to function. We also have the advantage of having leveraged streaming and video-conference software in courtroom applications since long before the pandemic. So, we wanted to offer our experiences