The Top 10 Tricks for Using Storytelling for Persuasion in Litigation

October 10th, 2024|The Litigation Consulting Report (A2L Consulting)|

  The ability to tell stories is an essential skill in the legal field, where the goal is to persuade judges and juries effectively. In a world flooded with data and legal arguments, weaving a compelling narrative can make the difference between success and failure in a trial. Here are my top 10 tips for persuasive storytelling in the courtroom. 1. Master the art of storytelling: Captivate the audience and persuade judges and juries by weaving a compelling narrative. See 14 Differences Between a Theme and a Story in Litigation. 2. Understand the power of narrative: Humanize the facts to

Expect Jurors to Censor Their Opinions

October 9th, 2024|Your Trial Message|

By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm: With fewer than 30 days to go until one of the most pivotal elections in our history, do you believe the polls?  Many would say “No.” Even when our favored candidate is ahead, we all seem to believe that there is some built-in error in the surveys. People aren’t always willing […]

The Power of Trial Graphics: Boosting Jury Comprehension

October 4th, 2024|The Litigation Consulting Report (A2L Consulting)|

In the courtroom, a picture can indeed be worth a thousand words. Trial graphics are revolutionizing the way jurors understand and retain complex information by transforming abstract concepts into tangible visuals. These graphics serve as powerful tools that break down intricate data into more digestible formats, making it easier for jurors to follow the narrative of a case. Whether it's through detailed charts, immersive 3D animations, or interactive timelines, trial graphics play a crucial role in bridging the gap between complicated evidence and juror comprehension, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness of legal presentations. The Evolution of Trial Graphics in Modern

Witnesses, Avoid Absolutes

September 24th, 2024|Your Trial Message|

By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm: As they enter a deposition room, or approach the lectern for cross-examination at trial, opposing counsel is looking for an opportunity to make a few memorable points at your witness’s expense. Often that opportunity can be achieved by asking the witness to embrace an oversimplified version or their duties and obligations. […]

Consider Involving -Both- Sides in the Mock Trial

September 17th, 2024|Your Trial Message|

By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm: Mediation  is often guided by predictions made by each side, as well as by the mediator: if this case went to trial and faced a jury, what would that jury likely do with it? Naturally, each of these three actors will have a belief about that, and those beliefs may be […]

Witnesses: Be Tough to Cross

September 10th, 2024|Your Trial Message|

By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm: Cross-examination is a big deal for a key witness. I’ve noticed in trial that it gets some added attentiveness from the jury. Knowing that they’re now seeing one side pitted directly against the other, jurors will sit forward a bit in their seats to see who gets the better end of […]