How does pre-instruction about damages influence damage awards? (January, 2009, Issue 1)

January 6th, 2009|

ForsterLee and colleagues (1993) examined how substantive pretrial instructions about compensatory damage awards affected jurors in a toxic tort case. Some jurors were pre-instructed and post-instructed as to compensatory awards, while other jurors were only post-instructed prior to deliberations. The timing of the instructions affected both the amount of compensation awarded and in jurors' differentiation among plaintiffs...

How does jurors’ authoritarianism affect criminal verdicts? (November, 2008, Issue 4)

November 25th, 2008|

Jurors who are authoritarian have a desire for order and well-defined rules, conform to conventional norms, and exhibit a desire to punish individuals who deviate from those norms. Authoritarians are often hostile to "out-group" members which, historically in the U.S., has included Jews, communists, sexual offenders, members of the women's movement, and many other easily identified groups. Authoritarian jurors often favor...

Does prior jury experience affect how a juror participates in deliberations? (November, 2008, Issue 2)

November 11th, 2008|

In principle, all jurors are created equal. In practice, this equalitarian ethic is seldom realized. The fact of the matter is that dominance hierarchies develop and juries consist in predictable ways of leaders, participants and followers. Prior experience is one factor that affects these dominance hierarchies because it affects a juror's participation in deliberations...

Can closing argument reduce jurors’ use of “20-20 hindsight”? (November, 2008, Issue 1)

November 4th, 2008|

Jurors often are presented with some negative outcome (e.g., an injured plaintiff), and are asked to assess whether that outcome was foreseeable or preventable. Jurors frequently are unable to ignore the outcome information when reaching verdicts. Jurors "Monday-morning quarterback" and exhibit "20-20 hindsight." This "hindsight bias" is especially likely to produce liability judgments...