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So far DOAR has created 18 blog entries.

New DOAR Study Reveals Generational Divide in Attitudes Toward Trade Secret Protection

December 5th, 2024|

Report Shows Younger Professionals More Accepting of Trade Secret Sharing, While Occupation and Gender Significantly Impact Views on Intellectual Property Rights December 05, 2024, New York, NY — DOAR, the nation’s leading trial consulting company, today released findings from a comprehensive study examining attitudes toward trade secret protection and intellectual property rights across major IP litigation venues. The survey revealed significant generational and demographic differences in how potential jurors view the retention and sharing of confidential and technical information, with implications for both litigation strategy and corporate policy. The report, “A Study of Jurors’ Attitudes Toward Theft of Trade Secrets

New DOAR Study Reveals Shifting Attitudes Toward Free Speech

October 31st, 2024|

Report Reveals Polarization Around First Amendment Arguments and Explains How Opinions Change Based on Personal Experiences October 31, 2024, New York – DOAR, the nation’s leading trial consulting company, today released important findings from a new study that measures how people of diverse demographics differ in their opinions on free speech and its application in legal contexts. The survey included questions regarding attitudes toward hate speech, online content moderation, and the application of First Amendment protections. The results highlight fundamental similarities and noteworthy differences among potential jurors in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York. The study, “Perspectives on

DOAR Releases Results from a National Survey of Jurors’ Attitudes Toward Pharmaceutical Companies

May 14th, 2024|

May 14, 2024, New York, NY—DOAR, the nation’s leading trial consulting company, today released important findings from a new national study that examines several issues suspected of influencing jurors’ baseline attitudes toward pharmaceutical companies. The findings indicate that opinions of the pharmaceutical industry are generally favorable despite a prevailing view of it as profit-centric. The study also concludes that recent trends in certain types of drugs and vaccines have a meaningful impact on views of the industry. The study, conducted by the DOAR Research Center, sought to reflect a broad spectrum of community attitudes across the United States. It was

Changing attitudes toward the pharmaceutical industry

January 2nd, 2024|

Authors: Chad Lackey, Ph.D. and Ellen Brickman, Ph.D. For years, the public viewed the pharmaceutical industry negatively, with public sentiment reaching its lowest levels in 2019. In Gallup’s annual survey of opinions about different industries, the pharmaceutical industry ranked dead last that year, with 58% viewing it negatively and only 27% viewing it positively. In fact, these ratings were the lowest since Gallup began assessing opinions of different industries in 2001. Some data suggest that public opinion of the pharmaceutical industry dramatically improved during the COVID-19 pandemic. While Gallup showed only a modest improvement of 7% gains in positive ratings

#MeToo, Political Affiliation, and Personal Experience Affect Jurors’ Attitudes About Discrimination and Harassment

June 25th, 2020|

July 25, 2020 – New York, NY – DOAR, the nation’s leading trial consulting company, today released important findings from a new study that measured the perceived prevalence of discrimination and harassment in the workplace and the effects on jurors’ attitudes toward employment cases alleging the specific wrongdoings. The results indicate overwhelmingly that many factors come to bear—including political beliefs, personal experience, and the #MeToo movement—on how jurors will evaluate the context in which employment lawyers advance case themes on their clients’ behalf. The study, “Implications for Litigating Employment Cases in a #MeToo World,” was conducted by the DOAR Research

An Insider’s Guide to the Operations and Methods of NPEs

May 15th, 2020|

NPEs are well-positioned to take advantage of the economic fallout on the patent market due to the impact of COVID-19. In Book One of our new e-book series, we look at the NPE acquisition outlook for 2020 in light of the ongoing financial crisis. Download the free e-book, “The Impact of Economic Distress on Patent Availability to NPEs.” The post An Insider’s Guide to the Operations and Methods of NPEs appeared first on DOAR.

Wearable Technology: Existing Growth Drivers and the Impact of COVID-19 on Innovation

April 16th, 2020|

By: Caroline Yu, Consulting Expert Litigation in the wearable technology market has been increasing in frequency and scope as the market has moved from niche early adopters to the broader consumer market.  In 2018, the global wearables market was valued at $9 billion—the U.S. market accounting for 32% of it. The market is expected to grow to over $87 billion by 2025[i] with the most significant growth drivers to include technological advancements in wearable devices and digital health awareness. Data privacy and usability remain necessary design elements for designers and manufacturers looking to advance in the race for dominance. With

Robotic Surgery – The Rising Trend in the Technology Market

November 21st, 2019|

By: Moiz Khan, Consulting Expert & Michael Connelly, Director of IP Litigation   Over the past several years, a growing trend in the use of surgical robotics has been seen in several different areas of surgery, including pediatric, gynecologic, and cardiothoracic surgery, to name a few[1]. The benefits include improved surgical precision, reliability and reproducibility, and improved surgeon dexterity. With the advancement of computational power, robotics and its technologies have been on the rise. Mathematically intensive algorithms can be calculated in real-time, allowing machines to become incorporated in a time-intensive surgical environment. Valued at $5.5 billion in 2019, the surgical

Communicating with Jurors in the Current Political Environment

November 18th, 2019|

Today’s political climate has created an environment where simple words can unintentionally trigger polarized views and quick judgments. Watch Scott Allen, President at DOAR, discuss the importance of conducting jury research to develop case themes. Learn more about our Trial Consulting practice and our decades of expertise. The post Communicating with Jurors in the Current Political Environment appeared first on DOAR.

Case Study: Why Information Design is Essential to an Effective Litigation Strategy

October 15th, 2019|

Information design plays an integral part in communicating a position effectively—especially in complex litigation when attorneys need to convey complicated concepts to their triers-of-fact. In this case study, DOAR takes a look at the effect of graphics consulting and design to expert witness testimony. Through the eyes of two of DOAR’s directors, we get a better understanding of the critical role that information design plays to a winning litigation strategy and learn about the five essential elements of information design. Learn more about our expertise in trial consulting. The post Case Study: Why Information Design is Essential to an Effective