About Author Unknown

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So far Author Unknown has created 331 blog entries.

Do jurors return verdicts in accordance with a judge’s leaning? (June, 2008, Issue 3)

June 17th, 2008|

Judges exhibit their leaning in cases, and jurors take their cue from their judge. Even subtle differences in how judges read jury instructions can influence verdicts. Researchers (Blanck et al., 1985; Blanck et al., 1990; Hart, 1995) have investigated how judges' expectations for the outcome of a trial predicted both (a) the judges' verbal and nonverbal behavior, and (b) the verdicts returned by juries...

What do jurors think about whiplash cases? (June, 2008, Issue 2)

June 10th, 2008|

Automobile accident claims constitute a significant proportion of the personal injury bar's work, insurance defense work, and the state jury trial caseload, comprising 50% of all tort filings and 42% of all tort jury trials in state courts of general jurisdiction (Ostrom and colleagues, 1996). While a plaintiff's broken bone can be demonstrated through X-rays, whiplash (soft tissue or connective-tissue) injuries do not show up on common medical tests. Hans and Vadino (2007) surveyed 600 prospective jurors concerning their attitudes...

Does a plaintiff attorney’s reputation affect settlement decisions of defendants? (May, 2008, Issue 3)

May 20th, 2008|

While negligence is at the heart of personal injury claims at trial, negligence is not always at the heart of decisions to settle. Harris and colleagues (2006) examined settlement decisions in medical malpractice litigation, and studied the importance of the witness potential of the defendant physician, the witness potential of the plaintiff, and the reputation of the plaintiff's attorney...

What is the effect of minimal versus expanded voir dire? (May, 2008, Issue 2)

May 13th, 2008|

Voir dire, especially in federal courts, is often limited to demographic information such as residence, age, marital status, occupation, spouse's occupation, children's ages and occupations, and prior jury service. At times, questioning is expanded beyond this demographic information to jurors' experiences, attitudes, habits, and tendencies that are case-related (and sometimes more generally). Moran and colleagues (1990) examined the effect of minimal versus extended voir dire ...

Can voir dire questions help jurors set aside a litigant’s prior record? (April, 2008, Issue 3)

April 15th, 2008|

Some people involved in litigation have prior criminal convictions. Attorneys can ignore this information or "inoculate" against it by raising the issue and refuting it in some way. One strategy is to raise the issue of a person's prior record in voir dire and ask jurors to overlook the prior record as they decide the current case. Reinard and Arsenault (2000) investigated whether asking jurors in voir dire to overlook a defendant's prior criminal record was an effective means of encouraging jurors not to focus on the prior record...