Counter “Safetyism” With Realism

December 11th, 2023|

By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm: There is a perspective on juror attitudes that has been receiving some attention lately. “Safetyism” refers to an individual’s tendency to not merely prefer safety, but to demand unrealistic standards of protection — no errors, no risk of injury, no chance of a bad outcome, no ‘safe level’ of a contaminant, … Counter “Safetyism” With Realism Read More »

Unveiling the Role of Trial Graphics Specialists

December 7th, 2023|

Some trial graphics specialists are attorneys. Other trial graphics specialists are jury consultants. Some trial graphics people are trial technicians. But, there is a type of trial graphics specialist, like those at Persuadius, who work only in pairs. They prefer to either conceptualize or execute. Let's take a closer look at this pair of specialists. Understanding the role of trial graphics specialists Trial graphics specialists are professionals who specialize in creating visual aids and presentations for use in legal proceedings. While some may think their job is solely about making slides look visually appealing, their role goes far beyond that.

Facing Questions in Oral Argument? Think F.A.S.T.

December 5th, 2023|

By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm: I recently had the opportunity to serve as a judge for a legal advocacy program as part of my daughter’s high school constitutional law program. In watching the students answer the panel’s questions, I noticed something I have also noticed in working with attorneys prior to oral argument: The judge will … Facing Questions in Oral Argument? Think F.A.S.T. Read More »

The Impact of Visuals on Bench Trials: How Trial Graphics Influence the Outcome

November 29th, 2023|

In this blog post, we will explore the significant impact visuals have on a judge's decision and how litigation graphics can influence the outcome of a case. Discover the power of visual storytelling and its role in shaping perceptions and influencing decision-making processes. Understanding the Power of Trial Graphics in the Courtroom Trial graphics play a crucial role in presenting information in a visually compelling and easily understandable way in the courtroom. They have the power to simplify complex concepts, highlight key evidence, and engage the judge's attention. By using visual aids such as charts, diagrams, and timelines, attorneys can

Respect Your Jury’s ‘Informational Phase’ (They’re Learners, Not Just Persuasive Targets)

November 28th, 2023|

By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm: There’s a stereotype of what happens in jury deliberations. It involves jurors squaring off against each other, a hail of fierce argument and counter-argument, with the jurors turning themselves into proxy attorneys for their side as other wavering members are converted or confirmed: Think “Twelve Angry Men” with greater demographic diversity. … Respect Your Jury’s ‘Informational Phase’ (They’re Learners, Not Just Persuasive Targets) Read More »

Don’t “Read” Your Jury

November 21st, 2023|

By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm: A recent issue of American Lawyer included the provocatively titled article, “Why Jury Consultants May Not Be Worth It and Other Tips from Judges.” Reporting on discussions from the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference, the article included a comment from Judge Marsha J. Pechman of the U.S. Western District of Washington that jury … Don’t “Read” Your Jury Read More »

10 Ways Trial Technicians Take the Worry out of Trial

November 20th, 2023|

When it comes to trial, preparation is key. One of the most important parts of that preparation is having a reliable and skilled trial technician on your team. They are in very high demand at Persuadius. Trial technicians are an invaluable asset in the courtroom, helping to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that you have everything you need to present your case effectively. Here are 10 ways trial technicians take the worry out of trial: 1. Technical Expertise: Trial technicians are highly skilled in using the latest technology to present evidence (increasingly OnCue vs. Trial Director) and exhibits

Call Out Minimized Burdens

November 13th, 2023|

By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm: At a recent jury selection, opposing counsel — the plaintiff in that case — stepped up to the box of prospective jurors holding two unopened reams of paper. I knew what was coming: If the weight of evidence is completely equal, like these two reams of paper, then we haven’t met … Call Out Minimized Burdens Read More »

Maximizing Impact: Tips for Creating Engaging Markman Hearing Trial Graphics

November 13th, 2023|

Discover effective strategies for creating compelling trial graphics that leave a lasting impact during Markman Hearings. Understanding the Importance of Trial Graphics in Markman Hearings Trial graphics play a crucial role in Markman Hearings, where the interpretation of patent claims takes place. These graphics help simplify complex ideas and concepts, making it easier for judges and juries to understand the arguments presented. By visually representing technical information, trial graphics enhance comprehension and retention of key information. In a Markman Hearing, the judge determines the meaning and scope of patent claims, which can heavily impact the outcome of a case. Presenting

How are settlements perceived? | Online Jury Research Update

November 8th, 2023|

At times, settlement agreements are entered into evidence in jury trials or decision-makers become aware of prior settlement agreements. Are settling defendants perceived as responsible for alleged conduct or is settlement perceived more neutrally as a convenient (less costly, less time-consuming) resolution? Do settlements send different signals than those conveyed by allegations, complaints, verdicts or other case resolutions? Bregant and colleagues (2021) conducted two studies exploring how the lay public views settlement in terms of both the parties' reasons for settling and the defendant's inferred responsibility for the alleged conduct....